Consent to the processing of personal data
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Consent to the processing
of personal data

An individual (hereinafter referred to as the "Subject"), in accordance with   Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On personal data and their protection” dated May 21, 2013 No. 94-V, acting freely, without being forced to do so, acting in his/her own interests, confirming his/her legal capacity, does hereby give his/her consent to ANCOR PERSONAL Central Asia Limited Liability Partnership (registered  address: 115, Zheltoksan str., Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan) (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator") to processing of his/her personal data. Acceptance of the Consent is the provision of personal data and the mark denoting consent to the terms of this document on the web page ("in the form of checked box").

Processing purpose Creating CV by the Operator’s website service
Categories of personal data
  • Name;
  • Surname;
  • Patronymic;
  • Citizenship;
  • City of residence;
  • E-mail address;
  • Contact telephone number;
  • Date of birth;
  • Sex;
  • Places of work;
  • Work permission availability;
  • Vacancy expectations (including desired salary range);
  • Work experience (companies and job titles);
  • Information about education;
  • Information about additional skills (including foreign language knowledge, computer skills, driving license);
  • other personal data that the Subject wishes to supply by himself
Processing method Automated/Non-automated
Transfer to third parties The personal data of the Subject may be transferred to third parties – legal entities incorporated in the Operator's Group of Persons.
Assignment to third parties In order to support the Operator's information systems, the processing of the Subject's personal data may be contracted to TeamService LLC (111024, Russia, Moscow, 21/1, shosse Entuziastov) and Heliosoft LLC (115280, Russia, Moscow, Leninskaya Sloboda street, 19).
Consent validity period Consent to the processing of personal data shall be given before realization of the processing purposes.
Consent revoking procedure Withdrawal of consent to the personal data processing must contain full name, date of birth, email, mobile phone, personal signature.

On the procedure for consent withdrawal from the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On personal data and their protection" (No. 94-V ЗРК): "the subject or his legal representative gives (withdraws) consent to the collection, processing of personal data in writing or in the form of an electronic document or another usage of elements of protective actions that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The subject or his legal representative cannot withdraw consent to the collection, processing of personal data in cases where this is contrary to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, or in the presence of an unfulfilled obligation. "

A scanned copy of the withdrawal can be sent to A paper original of the withdrawal can be submitted to any office of the ANCOR Group of Companies. The operator is obliged to stop processing and destroy personal data after receipt of the specified document, except for those personal data, the processing of which can be carried out without the consent of the subject of personal data on the grounds provided by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On personal data and their protection" No. 94-V ЗРК dated 21 May 2013 or other regulatory legal acts.

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