ANCOR was listed in top 30 companies in the world by revenue in direct hire according to Staffing Industry Analysts
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ANCOR Was Ranked Among Top 30 Companies Globally in Terms of Professional Recruitment Revenue

Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) agency has published a global ranking of the world’s largest companies by revenue from search and selection of personnel based on the 2020 results («Largest Direct Hire Staffing Firms Globally»). ANCOR is ranked No.30 in the list of Direct Hires Providers globally. 

SIA – is a reputable international agency that conducts world-wide researches of HR services. Founded in 1989, Staffing Industry Analysts provides data on HR service providers across the whole world.   

According to SIA, the global market of classic recruitment earned $35.8 billion in 2020, which is 21% less than in 2019. The COVID-19 crisis triggered a decline in demand for professional recruitment services in the first half of the year. The total revenue of the 30 world’s  leaders amounted to  $4.9 billion.

“We are very proud that ANCOR is in the list of top 30 direct hires (professional recruitment) providers globally! We have done a great journey from a recruitment agency to an international staffing group. We are constantly developing, growing and setting ourselves ambitious goals. We have a dream team of professionals capable to resolve tasks of any scale. I am assured that being in the list of top 30 Direct Hires providers globally is our first step to the club of the global staffing industry leaders!”, says Vaeria Petrunina, Managing Director of ANCOR.

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