Вакансия Финансовый директор/ CFO в городе Хромтау
Код вакансии: 63d8f000b1f9810012ca0d40
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Финансовый директор/ CFO


  • General management of the Finance Department; 
  • Organization of management of financial resources of the enterprise and regulation of financial relations;
    Planning and control of enterprise budget;
  • Control over correct and timely submitting of the reports for the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Control on operative accounting of receivables and payables of the Company;
  • Performing of expertize under the concluded contracts in part of coordination of payment terms;
  • Ensure execution of financial and settlement transactions, payment of suppliers' and contractors' invoices, repayment of loans, payment of interest, wages to workers and employees, transfer of taxes to the budget within the established time limits;
  • Interaction with banks on issues of accounting operations with credit contracts and use of the most effective financial instruments;
  • Daily accounting control over the receipt of funds to the settlement accounts of the enterprise regarding the sale of main products;
  • Ensure healthy and safe working conditions for subordinate employees and monitor their compliance with labor protection laws and other regulations;
  • Provide necessary data for departments, structural subdivisions of the company in due time according to the scheme of mutual relations regulated by the Regulation of Financial Department.
  • Higher professional education (economics, finance) 
  • At least 5 years of work experience in financial activity
  • Must know:

-Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating enterprise activity, normative-legal acts of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

-International standards of financial reporting (IFRS), regulations on finance.

-Accounting policy of the enterprise, forms and methods of accounting and analysis of financial and economic activity of the enterprise.

-Collective agreement.

-Regulatory documents of enterprise management system, safety rules, fire safety rules, internal labor regulations.

-Management Policy.

 -Requirements of international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001

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